TRANSCEND'22 Is On: Join us for a 3-day Immersive Event in Slovenia

Transcend: trăn-sĕnd: to go beyond the limits of lived human experience

Guiding Question: How traveling to transform changes the world within us and around us?

At the heart of the TTC lie three words. These three words stretch across the spectrum that the TTC covers today while also casting a searing light on the path that lay before us.

Connect. Engage. Transform.

At this intimate and inclusive gathering, we will Connect to ourselves and each other through healing and wellness activities. We will Engage with our community through networking and collaborative activities. We will Transform ourselves, our work, and our industry through sharing of knowledge and practical tools. We will walk away prepared and inspired to use our skills and newfound connections to create positive change. There are limited spaces left, so we encourage you to register today.

Join us for this 3-day immersive event, taking place from 9-12 October 2022
Hotel Plesnik, in the beautiful Logar Valley, Slovenia

Use the code "SPECIALGUEST22" to get $525 USD off the registration price.

Note: When you register for the event don't forget to book your accommodations as well.