Ally Feature: An Exchange of Hearts in Uganda with Wayfinders

Wayfinders is an Ally doing unique and impactful work. Challenge, Community and Culture are the 3 pillars of their event model and their recent Wayfinders Uganda, emphasized on all 3. This would be a wonderful example of the best that travel and tourism can accomplish: cultural understanding, cultural connection, an exchange of hearts and a reciprocity of gifts.

Wayfinders Uganda was hosted in western Uganda, in the spectacular Bwindi Impenetrable Forest region.

It was one thing to come here on my own in February 2020, another entirely to bring a large group: their warm welcomes and smiles were the most genuine and heartwarming of any I’ve encountered anywhere on the planet, and they were like balm for the soul in these troubled times. We experienced the culture of this region in many ways but what was most impactful was the time we spent with the Batwa”. - Mike Brcic, Founder, Wayfinders

The Batwa are forest-dwellers who were forcibly removed from the area in 1991 and were forced to adopt a sedentary, agricultural lifestyle by the Ugandan Government, with a laughably small 21-acre plot to sustain over 250 people!

When founder Mike Brcic met with the leader of the local women’s cooperative, she said livestock and money to buy land would be the best way to support the community. In response, Team Wayfinders arranged to donate 35 sheep during their visit and with the help of their Wayfinders Uganda participants, they raised 16,000 USD that will help the Batwa purchase a significant amount of land and help a local school complete the construction of a new dormitory, too.

Wayfinders Uganda will continue their support to the Batwa people. And you could be a part of this too. Wayfinders Uganda 2023, will take place from May 26 to June 04, 2023.