Jake's Weekly Flow #10

Weekly Flow #10 | March 10, 2023

Greetings, fellow activists

Welcome to my weekly flow of news, events, insightful perspectives, and impactful stories aimed at creating positive change in your life and the lives you touch, at home and on the road.

My curious mind, intuitive soul, and big heart, along with some personal connections and crushes on extraordinary humans have put me in a position to receive an abundance of practical information, exciting innovation, and deep wisdom, usually travel-related, that has flowed to me, and now, on to you. Before you scan, take a breath, tune in, open up to the flow, and find your glow.

While I try to ‘keep the light on’ by sharing good news, insight, hope, the beautiful, and the sacred, that hopefully inspires you to take action, this week, I heard of yet another tragedy in the Amazon that hits home for me. 

“Another Amazonian environmental activist was murdered last week. Eduardo Mendúa, a member of the A’i Cofan people of Ecuador, was shot in the chest twelve times by hooded gunmen in front of his wife while they were working in their garden.”

Please take a moment to learn more about this devastating news shared by Charles Eisenstein and the root problems that are causing the indigenous bloodshed and the ecological tragedy. Please take a quiet moment for the Cofan and all life that is being killed and threatened in the Amazon. If you feel like providing economic support, you can make a donation to the Cofan people and the work they're doing to protect the rainforest. 

A few years ago, my mentor and I, Gordon Hempton, of Quiet Parks International went to connect, listen, and record nature’s symphony in the Zabalo, River of the Amazon Jungle with the Cofan people. One of Gordon’s closest friends, Randy Borman, is the Chief of the Cofan, aka ‘The Rainforest Man,’ and we spent 10 days living and learning from the Cofan people, the jungle, and the supernatural, forest people. 

A year later, one of the Chief’s sons, Josh Borman, came to live with us in Seattle. As you know, this was a deeply meaningful experience for my family as my kids had a chance to engage, learn from, and love Josh. Josh now lives part-time in Seattle and every time he calls me ‘Uncle Jake,’ my heart melts and I feel very blessed to have him in my life. Here’s a link to a photo of me and Josh canoeing down the river, along with information about the World’s First Quiet Park.

In the photo below, you’ll see me, Gordon, and Josh honoring our deep bond at a recent Seattle Seahawks game. If you look closely, you may be able to see the inner fire that burns in us and why we are dedicating our lives to protecting nature, quiet, indigenous cultures, and the sacred knowledge and wisdom that lives within them.

In honor of Women’s Day, Love, and wisdom, I will leave you with this quote from Mother Teresa - “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

Do small things with great love,


Jake Haupert 
Co-Founder & CEO
Transformational Travel Council
www.transformational.travel | LinkedIn

P.S... Gordon and Randy met at this TedX event in Amazonia 12 years ago. I encourage you to listen to both talks:

Paulina Tracz-Dulog