Jake Weekly Flow # 18

Weekly Flow #18 - May 5th, 2023

Dear, wanderer
Welcome to my weekly flow of news, events, insightful perspectives, and impactful stories aimed at creating positive change in your life and the lives you touch, at home and on the road.
My curious mind, intuitive soul, and big heart, along with some personal connections and crushes on extraordinary humans have put me in a position to receive an abundance of practical information, exciting innovation, and profound wisdom, usually travel-related, that has flowed to me, and now, on to you. Before you scan, take a breath, tune in, open up to the flow, and find your glow.

  • Ready to join me and Joao on “The Way” this September 24th to October 1st? Walk the Camino de Santiago with us and 9 others, hosed by me and led by one of our many amazing Allies of the TTC, Joao Perre-Viana, founder of Walking Mentorship. We will embark on this Pilgrimage together, connecting, dreaming, reflecting, and setting well-rooted goals for our lives, personally and professionally. The blend of walking, reflecting, journaling, and creating a plan to reach them is the single most powerful step you can take to live a fulfilling and impactful life. Grab your spot now!

  • In Hawaii a couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to meet with the President of Hawaii Tourism Authority, John Defries. You know that feeling when you know you’re in the presence of greatness, yeah, like that. Have a listen to him reflect on his calling with Hawai‘i’s Visitor Industry - He passionately discusses the Islands’ potential as a model for regenerative living.

  • I’m going through some challenges at the moment and went to one of my favorite podcasters, Soul Focused Group for guidance and wisdom.  This is one called the Spiritual Benefits of Forgiveness is all about starting the forgiveness process with forgiving ourselves for what we have done to others and what we've done to ourselves allows us to be spiritually honest and open with other people.

  • Free Online Nature Summit, May 9-15, 2023 - ”Join an extraordinary group of 30+ speakers for an important conversation about nature and our planet.” Paul Hawken will be contributing, author of many of my favorite books. I had the opportunity to spend a week learning from him and others  at the Modern Elder Academy in Baja, Mexico.  Simply put, he is one of the most amazing souls I’ve ever met and I highly encourage you to learn more about his work in Regeneration.

  • Ooooh, this vitally important and shook me to my core …  Jonathan Haidt: Has Social Media Destroyed a Generation?

  • Speaking of “The Way,” it’s being re-released on May 16th, staring Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez. I Can’t Wait! Watch it, then come and ‘Walk the Way’ with me!

  • What Is Transformational Travel? The Top Expert Tells You… Ha, that so called expert is me! :) Thank you to Gabriella Ribiero for inviting me to share my thoughts and practices. “My chat with Jake Haupert, founder of the Transformational Travel Council on his take- what it is, what it means, which destinations are doing it right and where we go from here as travel opens up space for people to transform their lives.”

I will leave you with this beautiful poem that my pal from another dimension shared with me this week: 

Born Again in Radiance

Who can resist the first,

optimistic moment of dawn –

the dazzling sliver of light,

sun rising, rounding, making

the profound shift from

promise to presence.

Every possibility contained

in a single instant; 

light linking us to vastness,

light reaching back to the

formation of stars, light that

will not let us forget that

we are daily born again in radiance.

By Danna Faulds from  Go in and In. Poems from the Heart of Yoga.

Photo of Joao of Walking Mentorship and a group exploring the inner path!

Walk with me… and Joao,


Jake Haupert 
Co-Founder & CEO
Transformational Travel Council
www.transformational.travel | LinkedIn

P.S... Know someone that might want to jump into the flow? Forward this email and encourage them to sign up for the TTC Mailing List.

Paulina Tracz-Dulog