Elixir Journeys


At Elixir Journeys, we’re all about private and small-group nature-based experiences that will engage the senses, hyper-local products with low-carbon impact and great hosts who will bring to life this wonderful home we call Earth.
We passionately believe that tourism is the key to changing the world for the better. We believe that by helping people to appreciate the wonders of nature, they will be more inclined to take care of it. But being in nature doesn’t have to mean roughing it and so we aim to combine soft-adventure with barefoot luxury. We won’t bamboozle you with Latin names for rare plant species, but we might recommend you hug a tree (it feels great!). For us, it’s about appreciating being outdoors and enjoying great food and great wine in beautiful locations. All of our experiences are crafted with attention to detail, love and little luxury touches, and ensure just the right balance of activity and relaxation.