Secret Compass


Adventure is the brunt of a tropical storm, a blister the size of your fist and digging deep to unzip the tent at 4am. It’s crossing deserts, hacking through jungles and sharing with others. It is discovery. It’ll have you shaking with fear, exploding with laughter and offer you a sideways look at the world.

Secret Compass was born of adrenaline and exploration. We pledged to experience the places no one knew about, the countries you struggle to spell and those which raise an eyebrow over dinner. We don’t want to read about them, we want to feel them for ourselves. We want to make up our own minds and to be part of the story.

Navigating our way through the remote wilds of this earth is how we made our name. Forging new routes, claiming first ascents and experiencing daily life so far removed from our own. But it’s always the people we remember and it’s personal interactions that define the adventure.

Stripped back of the modern day trappings, adventure is how we unplug and we invite people to do the same. Step away from routine, from connectivity and from comfort.