Mondays with Eric: The Light from Within

Hey Travelers,

I hope all is well, all the positive energy is flowing through you as you read this. I finished the poem today for my creative writing course, and I felt as that I should share with all of you.

The Light

The light at the end of the tunnel is something I have heard my entire life

Something that I truly believed in

But with each step towards the light

The light took 10 steps away

It kept getting farther and farther

Until I looked down, and realized that I was the light the entire time

The truth is the light that we’re looking for

Is within us

Every goal, dream, hope, desire

Is within us right now

Tap into the power

Tap into your light and shine

This analogy of feeling stuck and continuously looking for towards the future is something that I resonated deeply with. My “tunnel”, my darkness, roots within the fears of change, the people I surrounded myself with, and me feeling that I must wait until I graduate to connect with my goals in life. Every step that I took towards the life of helping others, speaking my truth, traveling and being full and complete just kept getting farther and farther away. Every step I took towards it would get clouded by fears and negative talks, either coming from myself or from the peers around me. I started to feel as if this lifestyle that my soul so desperately was calling for me was out of my reach and that I needed nothing but pure luck in order for it to happen. That possibly, I wasn’t worthy of this.

That was, until I realized that I’m connected to it already. The light that I was looking for, started from within me. The acknowledgment of this created the light from within. It made me start the 50 day transformation challenge on TikTok, this blog, and so many more personal projects that I’m just beginning to work on. Once you connect to your inner light, the whole tunnel lights up. I feel more inspired, the “flow” is flowing better than ever before. I feel lighter. There is so much that has changed just by realizing every hope, desire, dream and goal that I have is already within me. It is already mine. I met the universe halfway by letting go and accepting the fact that it is mine.

Even if all the projects that I start don’t stick (which was one of my biggest fears.), I’m still connected to my light. Having an open heart and open mind, creates more ideas, different projects, more lessons, and more alignments that align with my truth. This is a journey to connect deeper with my truth, and by connecting to it every single day without a shadow of a doubt, I will connect deeper than I could ever imagine and create a world that exceeds all of my expectations. There is not a destination, because I’m already there. It is already within me; I just have to let it shine.

The thing is the dark tunnel with the light at end of it, once you light it up internally, you realize it is not a tunnel. But your workshop. Your destination.

Sending much love,


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