Mondays with Eric: Life Purpose

Hi All! I hope everything is going wonderful in this time of the year. I hope that you are having wonderful holiday season, and are taking this time to unite with friends, family in whatever ways that you can.

Something that has been on my mind recently is passion. My attempt to find my “one true passion”, my “dream job” has led me to a lot of soul searching. Recently the desperation of continuously looking has left me wondering if I ever will find it. I found myself looking back into my journal entries that I placed at the beginning of the year and found a journal entry that was strongly influenced by Sorelle Amore’s video called “The Danger of Seeking a Life Purpose”.

What Sorelle pointed out was that it’s perfectly normal to have multiple passions in your life, which is something that I agree with the deepest part of my being. As I look over my life, my “passion”, my “one true purpose” has constantly changed throughout my life. Each purpose I’ve had has taught me valuable lessons, but over time, I’ve let those passions go when I felt that it was time to. I believe the search of a one true purpose is a dangerous road to be on, because when you get stuck on one purpose, you miss out on valuable lessons in life. So, as I reflect on my own passions, I honor each passion and its purpose it’s served in my life.

5-18: I wanted to be a professional baseball or soccer player. I wanted to be the very best athlete that I could be. Every time I went onto the field, there was something to prove to the opposing team. It fed into my competitive nature, which I loved. But eventually, I got bored and moved onto something else.

5-19: School. I was extremely passionate about school. I felt as if it was the only way to learn. It was the only way for me to “get ahead”. So, it led me to nearly straight A’s throughout all of grade school into university. But alas, I got bored of this and began to learn in different ways. I want to be a lifetime learner; however, I do not want to be a lifetime student.

14-19: Something else that fed on my competitive nature was video games. My passion, my after-school activities all involved about me getting on PlayStation after school. I even went Semi-Pro when I was 15 years old. Through sports and E-sports, I began to learn the values of teamwork and how important it is to keep everyone on the team happy in order to have the best flow. But eventually, I got bored of this as well.

19-21: During my college years, I really enjoyed partying. I wanted to show everyone who I was, I wanted to make sure that everyone was having an amazing time. I really wanted to be popular, and well-liked on my campus. So, in my mind, partying was the best to do that. Eventually, I got very much burnt up of this and after being caught up in the scene for a bit too long, I knew I had to let it go.

19-now: Spirituality, Self-reflection, meditation, the life “journey”: I had my “Spiritual Awakening” back in 2017 (something I might dive deeper into another post), and ever since that I found that personal reflection was important to grow. I found that through meditation and living in a flow lifestyle, that I could continuously grow as an individual. I loved the “Self-love” journey and all the ups and downs that came with that. Its right now, the most important thing to me. To always remain with an open heart, eager to learn and grow as a person.

20-now: I love to adventure, to build lasting-relationships and experiences. I love to travel, internally and externally. Even though, this is something that is completely new to me, I know that its important one. Some day when I look back at these times, it’ll bring a massive smile. Whether its doing things such as skydiving, climbing the highest mountain I can see, or even just approaching a stranger at a coffee shop that I felt I would get along with. To meet new people, and having new experiences is going to shape that person that I’m becoming and I’m excited about that. Being outside of your comfort zone is an excellent way to grow as an individual.

21-now: Speaking my truth. I love expressing myself, in whatever way that I can. For most of my life, I’ve always followed others lead. I’m finally living in my true authentic self, and I’m so excited for that. Writing these blogs and creating other projects have caused me to take a different direction in life that is bringing my light into the world.

22-now: Marketing and Writing – This is something that is extremely new to me, as new as a few months ago. Its also a way for me to express my “creative” energy. It feels good.

22-now: The mixture between “grind lifestyle” and embracing the present moment. Both of these things are extremely important to me. Knowing what my actions steps should be, but also honoring where I’m currently at is super important. To embrace the journey that I’m on, flow like I’m going down a river, enjoying the journey of where I’m heading and not rushing to get there. I love the spontaneity of life and the curves that the road may bring (both good and bad), and that is why it’s important to enjoy the little things that the present moment gives you.

With that being said, I believe the idea of only having one true purpose does not exist. My purpose has changed as I have. Throughout my life, I’ve had many things that I’ve been passionate about and when the time came to let them go, I did. The moment when I let them go is when a new purpose came to me, either through a dream, a thought, or an opportunity in the physical world came to me. If anything, maybe our “one life purpose” is very simple. Maybe its to just be here; learning, loving, and growing as a soul.

Just know that, The Universe came to you for each of your purposes to be given life, and only you can give them life. They are waiting for you for whenever you are ready.

Wishing you the best,


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