Mondays With Eric: Step back and Recharge

Helllooo Travelers,

How are you today? I hope all is amazing, even in an action-packed world.

To say the least, I’ve been super busy these last few days. It’s the very beginning of my last semester of University. In the past few days, I moved out of my Fraternity house into a small apartment in the mix of the first snow fall of the year. I’ve been catching up with old friends, meeting new ones, and getting closer with someone who’s quickly becoming someone important in my life. I also began planning out how this semester is panning out to look. So, I’ve been very much go go go the past couple of days.

Safe to say, if I was a car, I would be completely out of gas.

Something that I’m continuously learning is the importance of taking time for yourself. As I’m writing this, its Sunday night and even though I got invited to hang out with friends, I decided to take a moment and step back. To take time for myself. I believe that “taking time for yourself” looks different for everybody. However, it all creates the same feeling of recharge and hominess.

I realized that I haven’t sat down and appreciated the new living space that I have all to myself. This is the first time that I’m living without roommates or my parents. I’m completely alone, and that’s so exhilarating. Every time I think about how amazing this opportunity is, it creates this great sense of freedom. It’s a beginning of an amazing chapter that is waiting for me to create it, and I couldn’t feel more ready to do so.

To start that chapter, I decided to make a cup of green tea (my absolute favorite drink) and write. I can’t describe how much more energized I feel by just doing this. I feel more and more recharged as I continue to write. After I finish writing, I’m going to read a book I got for Christmas called “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. I’ve wanted to read this book for such a long time, since I’ve heard so many amazing things about it.

Even though, I truly believe that I’ll still be a go go go type of person, I’m going to make it a goal for the semester to take time to myself. Whether this is just a small breathing technique to rebalance myself or taking a complete day off and just relax. Whatever is calling to me at the current time, I will honor that calling.

A reminder to take things slow, and to remain in the flow. To allow your inner light to continuously shine, and when it seems to be dim, let it recharge.

Have an amazing week,


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