Mondays With Eric: The Right Tribe

Hey travelers,


I hope all is well. I’ve been certainly busy, as my first week of classes finally ended and the real schoolwork has begun.


Today, I want to talk about the people that you put yourself around and how crucial it is for your Journey.

Something that I’ve noticed a lot in the past year is that I’ve become those who I’ve surrounded myself with.

            The Law of Environmental Exposure says that you are a mixture of those who are the 5 closest to you,

            Which I consider to be a truth.

When I was close with people who didn’t align with myself, I found myself consistently out of alignment. I constantly found myself unmotivated, living life for the weekend, constantly stressed, and complaining about life as a whole.

            I was simply extremely unhappy with myself and life as a whole. I was lazy and felt like I was missing my purpose.

However, when I reflect back to a time, where I was surrounded by people who were genuinely happy, people who were going for their dream life, who lived for adventure and the present moment. I found myself living that type of lifestyle.

            I was happy and free flowing, completely surrendered to the flow of life.

As I look at myself right now, I feel as if the Universe is working through me. I see people, every day working hard at whatever it is that they do. My friends, peers and colleagues are all following what seems to be their calling, even if it doesn’t make any sense. They’ve begun to surrender to the flow of life.

            I’ve done just the same. I’m happy, adventuring, and finding out more and more about who I really am every single day. I no longer stress about what is to come, because I know that whatever it is, it will be what is best for me. I’m excited for the future, even if I don’t know what it’ll bring.

I’ve also begun to surround myself with people who are travelling, FULL TIME, something that I once believed wasn’t possible. Just being around them gives me a sense of hope that it will one day be the same for me.

When I separated myself from those who did not align with me, it brought in the people who did. It brought me to a space where I can fully express myself, which is something that I’ve never experienced before. It brought me to a space where I know that I’m on the right path.

 The right group isn’t supposed to “carry you to the promise land”, but they should be able to help pick you up again when you don’t see the light. They should inspire you to become a better person than what you were yesterday. You will feel lighter and better when you are surrounded by your true tribe.

If you surround yourself around the people who you inspire to be like, you will become the person that you are meant to become.





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