Mondays With Eric: Hello 2021

Hey Travelers,

Happy first Monday of 2021! Mondays have always been my favorite day of the week. Mondays represent the endless opportunities that could just come your way throughout the week, and the first Monday officially kicks that off. If you had a bad week last week, this week represents a turning of the page. A complete blank page waiting to be written on. I smile at the thought of what the week could bring me, let alone what the year will bring me. I hope for all of us to receive the new year with loving and open arms. This year will be an absolute gift for all. Full of lessons, manifestations, and another year on the journey that we call life.

As I’m writing this, it is about 3 hours until the end of 2020 and I felt a very strong urge to write my manifestations for 2021. Anyone who knows me, my manifestations have always been broad, mostly about emotions and lessons that I needed to learn. To just mostly continue down my journey in the way the universe seemed the best for me. I always wanted the Universe to completely surprise about what is to come, so there were really no physical manifestations that I wanted to create. However, for this year, I’m being extremely called to write two specific manifestations, along with broad ones. Here they are:

Travel outside of the country: It’s been a bit too long since I’ve been out adventuring in the world, and I know that it’s time for some external world adventures. I have a major case of the travel bug.

To make writing a career: I absolutely love to write. I love expressing my truth, and I love to work out of the “heart space” that writing brings out in me. And if there was a way to create an income, while writing I would love that.

Create a platform where I can openly talk, discuss with others: This is something that is kind of broad, I don’t know exactly how its going to happen. But I want to create a place where people can share, discuss their inner truths.

Deepening my relationships: 2020 brought a lot of friendships to come to an end. A lesson that it brought was that most relationships in your life aren’t supposed to last forever, so honor and appreciate them as they are. Allow the relationships to come and go, and love them for what they are. But the deepening of my current relationships, and relationships that are coming is extremely important to me. I constantly use the affirmation of “I wish that the relationships in my life to reach the highest vibration possible. I wish that the relationships that no longer serve, to peacefully leave my life. The relationships that are coming are actively searching for me, as I’m searching for them.”

Continue down my path with complete hope and faith: When fear shows up in my life, in whatever form it may show, I’ll continue onward knowing that it will all work out, even when things seem to be dim.

Gain self-confidence: Something that has been a reoccurring fear in my life is the lack of confidence that I have in myself. A long time ago, I was told that confidence was made by “faking it until you make it”, but I don’t believe that to be true for myself. I can act confident, but on a subconscious level I know that it’s not real. The “fake” confidence often comes out as overconfident, which is ironic because sometimes I feel as I do not have any confidence at all. Sometimes I do tap into my “true confidence” and when I do amazing things happen, but that often comes after someone else expresses confidence in me. I even feel amazing, and more aligned with who I really am. I intend on getting rid of the “faking it until you make it” mindset, and fully finding confidence in myself.

These are my 2021 manifestations. I know this year will bring these all to me, even if I don’t know the how, or when of these. I already feel the gratefulness of all the opportunities that I will be given.

One thing that I do know is that with manifestations, I know the why. It aligns more closer with my true self. That is the magic of the Universe. To allow whatever it is that is wishing to be unlocked within you, to be.

Just like Mondays, the New Year represents a whole year of endless opportunities. Blessings that we can’t even imagine just yet is coming our way. I’m excited to see what it is to come. If Mondays represent a blank page, we now have 52 blank pages in this chapter. What do you wish to be written in them?

Wishing you all the most amazing year ahead,


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