Mondays with Eric: Goodbye 2020

Hey Travelers,


I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, filled with lots of love.


As 2020 comes to an end, I’ve been taking a lot of time to reflect on how much I’ve grown this year. To say the least, 2020 has been a wild year for everyone, with nothing but uncertainties. However, through all the challenges, we made it. It’s safe to say, most of us have completely transformed into an entirely new person. With myself, I don’t even recognize the person I was before March. I wrote a few journal entries about 2020 before 2020 became 2020 that I want to share with all of you.

In the first journal entry I wrote:

 “The past two years were spent healing from all of my past experiences, and they are finally healed. 2020 will be the year of creating my life. Last year, I said that 2019 was the beginning of my travels, and this year will be beginning of creating my best life. What does that “Dream life” exactly entail?

            Travelling- I fell in love with this in 2019, and I know it to be something I want to continue in my life.

            Helping – I want to help wherever I’m needed. I want to bring wherever I can.

            Being true to me – I wish to speak my truth. I wish to fully embody my inner light and have the courage to spread it.

            Lots of love- romantically, personally, or in whatever way the universe wishes to provide me. I know this is extremely broad, but I trust myself and the higher power in the universe to make it become a reality in its highest potential.

                                                            Thank You”

The second Journal Entry was more about the decade, with 2020 being the beginning of the new decade, a new beginning. I wrote:

            “As I look back in the past decade, I always set goals for the following year and I usually do achieve them in some sort of way. Last year, 2019, I said that it was “year of the beginning of my travels.” Safe to say, the goal was accomplished, and I certainly now know that this was the BEGINNING of my travelling life. But as I look at the decade, I look back at 2010. I was 11, wearing those “2010” glasses. Not worrying about the future, not worrying about what others thought, living life with no worries. Living my life to the fullest every single day and having the time of my life doing it. I think that should be the goal for everyone this year, this decade. let the ending of the decade be the ending of a chapter. The ending of worrying about the future, about what others think of you, and worrying about the past things. Be that 11-year-old kid who lived life one day at a time, lived each day to its fullest, and had an amazing time doing it.”

Its safe to say that I had no idea what EXACTLY 2020 was going to bring me, I did have faith that it would bring me to where I am today. With each bump in the road came a lifelong lesson. Each heartbreak, tragedy, lifestyle changes, loss of SO many friendships, I became more and more myself. I began to create the life that I wanted. With every friendship that left, a new one that aligned closer with me came in. When full blown lifestyle changes happened, it aligned me closer to my purpose. When everything in the outside world seems to be crumbling around you, its clearing the way for you to rebuild. To build the life that you want to create. I am extremely thankful for it all.

If anything, this year has taught me that no matter how chaotic your outside world may be, as long as you can find peace from within, you’ll never feel alone. Hope and Faith will continue to guide you through the turbulence that the outside world may bring. You’ll always know when things are falling apart, it is so that the “new” can come to your outside world. The “new” that has been calling to you.


When the world is acting like a hurricane, you must remain in the eye of it.


Have an amazing New Year,


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