We Stand With The LGBTQI+ Community

June is LGBTQI+ pride month and at The Transformational Travel Council we are reflecting on the progress we have made as human beings, but also on the continued threat that is present for LGBTQI+ people - especially people of color and trans people - in our world. It is a time to celebrate but also a time to reflect and to be even more bold in our efforts to bring peace, freedom, and the right to be to all people.

Central to the idea of Transformational Travel is the intersectionality of who we are as people, the choices we make, and the connections we have with others. We believe that there are few more powerful tools to eradicate hate, prejudice and violence than the authentic connections that come from traveling mindfully and consciously.

Our vision is a world transformed through travel. That vision will only come to fruition when the rights and safety of the most vulnerable and underserved of us are guaranteed. The TTC seeks to be a partner in that effort and we hope that each of you reading this will do the same.