Clean Air is an Essential Human Right | Tomorrow's Air

In Partnership with Tomorrow’s Air

It’s no secret that our planet is headed for an increasingly disastrous loss of life due to the consequences of rising temperatures on a global scale unless major steps are taken to reverse the course. As travelers, we can do a great deal to subvert the causes of climate change and take steps toward securing a clean atmosphere for proceeding generations.

When considering avenues of travel, it’s our responsibility to deeply consider the impact our choices have on the long-term trajectory of our climate. With the mainstream tourism industry committing willful acts of violence against the planet in pursuit of short-term gains, we must not only tread carefully as individual consumers but also be aware of the positive and negative repercussions that result from our patronage. We cannot afford to be short-sighted.

Mainstream tourism struggles to see the benefits of taking the long road of developing consciousness because there is no equivalent exchange rate between personal growth and profit. Journeys for self-discovery can be inconvenient, challenging, nuanced, and may not be seen as profitable when contrasted against conventional tourism.

How then can we make a case for low-impact travel in the face of the industry’s well-established behemoths?

We believe that mindfully traveling into nature will nurture a relationship with the planet that leads to integrating behavior changes that serve to combat the climate crisis. We can help people expand on traits that embody compassion and good stewardship, becoming better caretakers of our shared home. Experiencing the natural beauty of the Earth forces the traveler to confront all that we have to lose if we don’t clean up our act, individually and collectively. These transformative experiences can kinder new habits and behaviors that naturally result from gaining a renewed view of the world we live in.

Take three deep breaths

Tomorrow’s Air was founded on the principle that travel can be used as a vessel to support clean air and a stable climate. Members of the collective work to reduce carbon emissions by connecting travelers with wisdom and resources to pursue low-impact avenues of travel, and even go a step further to reverse it by supporting carbon dioxide removal initiatives.

Tomorrow’s Air provides an opportunity to take action by funding carbon dioxide removal and storage and supporting companies involved in these efforts.

On their website, you can join the collective by signing the Clean Up Pact and/or paying to support carbon removal:

  • Signing the Clean Up Pact and sharing with your friends that you’ve done so helps spread the word about carbon removal and demonstrates your recognition that the benefits of travel is only possible in a world where we can breathe easy - a world with a stable climate.  

  • Monthly memberships for as low as $10 per month help permanently clean up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and come with access to traveler benefits provided by a curated network of companies selected to support sustainable travel.

Please consider joining the TTC in our support of Tomorrow’s Air. You can breathe easy, knowing that we’re making progress for all of humanity to share.

In solidarity,

Grayson Wennberg and The Transformational Travel Council

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