Andrea J Walker, Your Radiant Reinvention

About Your Radiant Reinvention

My mission it to help you find your true life’s work, to promote your radiant health and energy and to support you as you liberate yourself from perceived restrictions and step into your true create power!

About Andrea

Before my own journey, when I woke up in the morning, I would feel like I had been hit by a truck I was so tired and achy. As soon as I felt overwhelmed with life I would reach for the comfort food I knew was bad for my body but propped up my soul. This, of course, was a downward spiral.

Eventually I found a way forward, but it took a long time- I had to find each piece myself, with a combination of luck, struggle, and trial and error.

By putting together each nugget of information I found, I started feeling energized in the morning, I shed the extra pounds I had been dragging around, and I began to feel like I knew how to properly fuel my body and my spirit for the first time in my life. I started sleeping better, kicked the sugar habit, and found the spark I needed to get moving again. I also found my voice and desire to share these valuable tools with others.

I felt hope again, and I have continued the journey forward, maintaining those initial changes and adding on deeper tools of reconnecting our mind and body, letting go of the negative thought patterns that hold us back, and evolving even more into authenticity.

I know how it feels to think you are stuck; not feeling comfortable in your skin, not knowing what to eat to feel good, feeling held back by self-doubt and limiting beliefs, wondering if you will ever reach the point in your life where you are truly living up to your potential and living you creativity with vitality and energy.

I used to feel lost and scattered, low energy and aimless, not feeling at home in myself, and lacking any sense of work/life balance. So, it is nice to meet you- I am Andrea J. Walker, NTP, a Radiant Health Specialist. I help people liberate themselves from their perceived restrictions so they can feel alive and energetic! I can help you restore your hope too.

I lead a program where I use the tools and knowledge I’ve gained and create a custom fit just for you and your specific needs- no more cookie cutter solutions! To accomplish this, we work together through changes in mindset, habits, nutrition, and lifestyle. I will guide you to align your inner compass with powerful clarity so you can step into the full expression of your creative gift, and finally be able to create the life you envision!

Andrea’s Capstone Project

Link: Your Radiant Reinvention

Description: My capstone is a weaving together of my work as a purpose and vitality coach, and the principles in the course. I was in the process of pivoting my work at the time of the course and I incorporated many of the principles and influences into my new program, called Your Radiant Reinvention. It is a year long program of deep transformation that cultivates connection with inner voice, clarity of purpose and life's work, and support to create a plan of inspired action that embraces fear of the unknown and moves forward with leadership and joy. The intended outcome is to foster a robust ongoing open enrollment program that also will be an incubator for a community of engaged and enthusiastic leaders who are living their passion and creating more connection and light in the world, whatever their paths.

A Word From Andrea