Mondays with Eric: My Sacred Place

Hey Travelers,


I hope all is well, and all is free flowing :)


A new meditation technique that I recently found out about is this idea of a room, hidden within your meditations. Not a place that takes place in the physical world but hidden within your heart.

My room is something I discovered within my first meditation, but never realized the power that it brought to me. It’s a place that continuously expands and gets more and more detailed with each visit.

My room started off as just the plains, sitting over a plateau with a river flowing right next to me. (Your room doesn’t have to be just a normal room, but the place that you can visit anytime you need any sort of rebalancing. Let the universe guide you in finding your room.” This shifted to a spot within the river, on a rock. I sit on this rock every single time I meditate now.

The most recent addition to this “room” of mine is a real room. It’s a room that’s painted all-white, white bed, white everything. There is a balcony that moves up and down, like an elevator. The balcony overlooks that same plateau, with the river that I always sit in. To the left of it, it goes within a deeper forest. It’s one of the most beautiful sites that I’ve ever seen/felt.

              There is much more to this sacred space of mine, however that’s for an entirely different blog post.

I used to always go to my room whenever I was feeling down and out in my “physical world”. Its where I constantly get messages from the universe. It feels like a direct connection to my higher self. It was a place that I could escape from my reality and connect from within myself.

However, I never identified it as “my room”, just as a place where I ran away to. I never knew that I could tap into the creative power from that room at any time. As I’m writing this now, I feel as if I’m writing from that space. Even though, I’m not in any sort of meditation format.

I picture this white bright light energy flowing all around and through my body, and I just feel more inspired, more in the flow space. I can picture myself meditating inside of “my room”, while the white light energy flowing all around me. Making myself glow inside of “my room” and inside of my heart. I don’t have to meditate to feel it, as it is already apart of me. I just have to give an awareness to this sacred place within me.

One thing that I’m learning throughout my journey is that I am always learning. Always learning and growing is one thing that I hope remains constant. The more I learn, the more I feel. The more I understand, the more I feel whole. That is one thing that I am always open to.




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