11 Podcasts To Discover In 2020


The world of travel is truly a myriad of worlds within the world we know. When we take ourselves somewhere new or return to somewhere we don’t have a permanent relationship with, it’s always a journey regardless of how far we are from home. In fact, travel opens us up to who we really are and as the saying goes: no matter where you go, there you are.  Some of the most profound travel insights can be found from people who travel for work, live a life of adventure, have globe trotted by chance, or all of the above. In the 21st century world of audio content, we can also go on a journey with these people and be enriched with their insights through the wonderful realm of podcasting. This form of audio storytelling and conversation captures and deepens the human connections we seek in all of our journeys. Just as physical travel can be, podcasts are a place to look inward and delve further with a microadventure of sorts even for just an hour while we walk in our neighbourhood.

This wrap-up of travel podcasts was developed to analyse and collate 11 of the leading programs out there. Using a range of techniques, the shows here have hosts who explore and expand our understanding of travel whether it’s of just one place, a specific topic, or a diary format. From all around the world, these podcasts are a meaningful resource that functions as a meeting place for discussion of big ideas, inclusivity, and celebration of our differences. Rather than just focusing on the things or language we have in common, they’re truly about finding the transformational aspects of travel from the lighthearted through to the experiences that act as a catalyst for life change overall. There is also always something to learn through podcasts and in the context of travel, committing to openness and having a willing spirit to humbly discover new things is key to nurturing short and long-term sustainability. Just as Simon Reeve, travel journalist and broadcaster has stated, “Responsible travel is not only better for our world, it’s also more interesting and memorable.”


Mary Smith works as a marketing executive with Killarney Hotels, a hotel group based in the south-west of Ireland. She takes an avid interest in all things travel, tourism, and sustainable offerings for future generations of travellers. Mary closely monitors marketing trends as part of her work and is passionate about luxury travel that connects people with the region they’re visiting.

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